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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Are you a hater???

I have been watching H8er1 a TV show about ordinary people who hate certain celebrities. The show is hosted and presented by the famous Latino Mario Lopez where he talks to the hated celebrities and works with them to get a chance to convince their haters to change their minds about them. First the haters are told that they are auditioning for a show or are part of an interview, usually the star will be mentioned during a game, dating show or focus group interview, sometime other things will be set up like getting the hater to a spa for a message or getting them to eat at a certain restaurant and everybody participating is an actress or actor except the hater who is clueless.

When the hater's celebrity is mentioned the hater is given the opportunity to express his or her views about the celebrity they hate which are usually negative while the hated celebrity is watching and hearing everything that the hater is saying about them and eventually appears before the haters who at that time is shocked and chokes on their words. The hated celebrity and the hater spend a whole day and night together to give the hated celebrity the chance to change their minds about them.

I think the show is a great platform for celebrities to explain the negative perceptions made about them and to change a lot of other peoples' minds about them so as to bring about an understanding as to who they really are and where they come from and why they do certain things that will cause people to judge them. However I don't think it's any one's place to judge a person you do not really know or understand. Neither is it fair to hate a person based on what you see and hear in the media. Imagine if it was you and you were the celebrity and was hated by people who don't even know you, or better yet imagine not being a celebrity at all and you got caught doing something scandalous on camera for the world to see how will you explain yourself then? All I know is that in this world we are all human who are one way or another bound to make mistakes and we hopefully learn from them and there are probably those who will remind you what you did last summer no matter how long ago it was or how much you have grown since then. It's one thing to be judged by those who know you than those who don't yet nobody has a right or should be in any place to judge

So the next time you want to hate a celebrity based on what you hear and see in the media as in their music, their lifestyles, and the way the became famous without knowing and understanding where they come from then you are mistaken. 

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